Sometimes i feel that we as humanity have reduced our understanding of wealth to a singular concept relating to money and financial assets.
I believe that wealth needs to be looked at as a multi dimensional concept to bring more holistic fulfillment in our human lives. The following aspects of a person's life are also integral parts of their overall wealth and ignoring them could be detrimental to one's contentment -
Wisdom - In our current social we setup we got reduced to a species where we value 'intelligence' above wisdom. While intellect and related skills can bring us more money, it does not necessarily bring contentment and satisfaction. It is the pursuit of wisdom that will bring humans more peace, joy and contentment. Whether we find it in sacred scriptures or from our life's lessons, wisdom is a wealth worth acquiring at any cost !
Well being - The old adage used to say 'Health is wealth'. I believe health used to refer to physical and bodily health. As our lives got more complicated, mental and emotional disease has become even more commonplace than the physical health issues. I believe that holistic well being comprising of a sound body, heart and mind is a real wealth that we need to treasure above just money. Or we might end up with a lop sided life with just money and no BODY to enjoy it with.
Truth and Authenticity Being able to hold your truth and express your authentic perspective with kindness is worth its weight in gold. Every time a human being has to resort to lying / misrepresenting / changing versions to appease others, something deep inside is chipped away leading to a loss of their soul. Mahatma Gandhi said 'Truth is God'. I couldn't agree more.
Nurturing connections - Genuine people who are there through your thick and thin to support and nurture you are also a precious and priceless treasure.
Karma - Even though most of us forgot it in this fast paced life, but karma (commonly known as cause and effect) is a fundamental universal law. Those who sow good seeds, will always reap good fruit. Action performed to serve others and create a positive impact is always going to bring you reward. Often this reward may not be instantaneous but the karmic balance sheet keeps a score of every credit and debit of good / bad action done. Every word spoken or unspoken, every thought that was thought, every feeling that was felt, every action that was taken or not taken ->creates a karma which is either positive or negative. We are responsible for what we put out there, and will bear the consequences. Sometimes the consequences may not even be apparent in this lifetime, and may be carried forward to the next one. But lets all try to earn some karma points while we're still here on the earth plane ! ;)
Divine Connection & Alignment - Being able to perceive divine guidance, to tap into the magical synchronicities of this universe, to receive protection in the tapestry of this life is ultimately the greatest source of one's abundance. More than this logical mind's calculations, being able to honor one's feelings, hear one's intuition, tap into the bodily instincts and insights; we can hear the subtle whispers of what the universe is trying to tell us and show the courage to take aligned action. And what an adventure it can often turn into !
In Taoism they say that while people think more money will bring more contentment, its actually the other way round. Needing less, feeling content will bring more wealth. The frequency of contentment attracts all the energy of abundance into our lives !
I pray and wish that energy for all of us.And so it is said, it is done, it is done, it is done!
