Have you been hurt in love before ? Whether in a romantic relationship or with family members / friends, did you trust but only to be hurt? Have you been made to feel unworthy of love ? Have you doubted your lovableness because of limiting beliefs that got created along the way? Have you been left betrayed / abandoned / cast aside by people you wanted to love you?
If any of the above has happened, it’s very likely you might have built walls around your heart to protect yourself. These walls were essential in keeping you cautious and save you from similar heartbreaks. While these walls serve an essential purpose in protecting you - they unfortunately also obstruct the flow of genuine love. It inhibits your ability to receive love and give love. It might even render it difficult for you to give your own unconditional love to yourself. It might make it impossible to trust the intentions of people who express affection and care for you. It might make it impossible for you to believe the compliments you receive from people who genuinely admire you. It might rob you of the joy of letting true love in. It might make you quickly sabotage any potential loving relationships in your life.
Is it time in your life to demolish these walls around your heart, rather than strengthening them?
If so, I recommend creating an intentional space to do this healing. Truly feeling the pain of all the past incidents is the only gateway to healing. Feeling is healing! Cry the tears that need to be shed. Tears don't hurt, they heal. Journal / Reflect/ Meditate. Pray for divine assistance. Seek mother earth’s help as you sit/ walk / sing and dance in nature.
Do whatever works for you to demolish these walls and let your heart be reclaimed to its original glory with full ability to let love flow.
Doing this work with intention might be the most worthwhile pursuit as it can open the floodgates to let the joy of love in, to experience the bliss of togetherness, to trust again, to let the magick unfold.
You can also leverage the very sacred and potent shamanic energy practices for quantum mirackles and healing!
Please feel free to message me if you need help.
Please comment below if you notice the walls you built and their impact along the way.
Love and Light,
