Tears dont hurt, they heal !
I’ve seen that we as humans associate a lot of shame to be crying, to show tears. It is considered as a sign of weakness to show tears.
However, it is a sign of greatest strength to be able to fully feel those feelings, to let it flow, to let those tears out, when they need to. Tears are the fastest and healthiest outlet for processing the energies & feelings that are stuck in the body.
Salt and water is a potent combination that can accelerate healing ! As per the ancient healing wisdom, taking a salt bath in the ocean or holy rivers (or maybe even a salt bath in your tub) is a deeply healing phenomenon because it can help with the flow of stuck emotions. We often experience that even after a good sweat from a workout- we start to feel better.
So the next time you feel like crying, I encourage you to not keep it bottled in.
Let it flow, and come back to your glow !
They can be the quickest way to come back to your center and your place of peace and harmony.